FUE hair transplant for a full head of hair


  • FUE Success
  • FUE vs. FUT
  • Why the FUE Procedure?
  • Options for an FUE Transplant
  • Affordable and Accessible Hungary

If you have at least some knowledge of the Hair Transplant Industry you will be familiar with the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) procedure. And if you are new to the industry and looking for a Hair Transplant, then it would behoove you to educate yourself on the most cutting edge and successful hair transplant methods available. The past few decades have seen huge steps in hair transplantation, which have culminated into the highly successful and affordable FUE Procedure.

What makes the FUE hair transplant so successful?

We first need to step back a bit to see what the previous alternatives to a hair transplant were in the past, although not too far. Part of the what makes hair restoration so difficult is the size of an individual hair follicle. In the 70s and 80s when hair transplants were becoming popular, the results were described as “rows of corn”, as a large group of hairs was extracted and implanted in the balding area resulting in what a cornfield would look like from above.

Precision and micro-surgery was what took the industry to a whole other level. This began when Masumi Inaba introduced the 1mm needle in hair transplant surgery. With such a small needle, individual hairs could be extracted and implanted, although at a serious price and only by skilled surgeons.

What is better the FUE or FUT Strip Method?

Considering that the FUE is the most recent iteration of a hair transplant and is more technically advanced then the FUT, it would be hard to argue that the FUE is not the best option. But the conversation does not end there and there is a case for the FUT procedure as well.

FUT vs FUE hair transplant differences

The FUT is less expensive than the FUE and many clinics abroad, such as Turkey, use this procedure exactly for that reason. As part of a larger package which includes your airfare, accommodations, food, surgery, etc., many men opt for this as its much less expensive. Unfortunately, the price does reflect the quality and many of the transplant are unsuccessful or create long-term health issues which must be remedied elsewhere.

You can also find clinics that provide the FUE procedure in Turkey for a few dollars more, but many of these still result in a failed or unsightly transplant. We will discuss this further in the below text.

Why should you opt for the FUE Procedure?

The FUE has many advantages with the primary one being a more natural looking transplant. From the scaring to the back of head, the survivability of the follicular units upon extraction, nerve damage, and chronic pain in the donor area, the FUE procedure is the way to go. Because its microsurgery, the FUE provides options for those who have a tight scalp and need a more precise method to get good results in the treatment of receding hairline, alopecia or aiming to get thicker hair.

The FUE procedure does not come without its risks, especially with more grafts becoming useless in the transplants when the grafts are transected. For this reason and others, a highly skilled surgeon who has experience with the FUE Procedure is a must when undergoing this treatment. Many clinics, especially in Turkey, will use nurses and technicians to perform this highly-skilled procedure, resulting in patients needing corrective surgery in their home country. But whatever procedure you decide to undergo, it is of the utmost importance that a skilled Hair Transplant surgeon perform the surgery and is with you every step of the way.

Having a hair transplant is a serious decision and should be approached with all the right questions and with reasonable expectations. You will not in most cases look like you did when you were 20, although no one who is 50 will ever look 20, no matter how much hair they have. Those clinics that promise this should be avoided at all costs. Price does not necessarily reflect quality but realize that these are profit making enterprises and that they will in many cases cut corners.

What are my options for an FUE Transplant?

There are many options for an FUE transplant, although there is only one best option, which is a trip to Hungary. For those who live in the UK, Ireland and Europe, Hungary is no doubt the most affordable and high-end option that you can find. Maybe not the first place to pop up in your head when thinking about hair transplants, rest assured you will not be disappointed.

As the top destination for medical tourism throughout Europe, Hungary has in the past 20 years proven time and time again that you will not find a better option. Much less expensive than the above-mentioned countries, as well as with the most highly trained and skilled surgeons, your transplant will equal or surpass those done for 4 times the price.

Some of these hair restoration results are achieved by having skilled surgeons who decide to stay in Hungary after their intense medical studies. This enable a smooth transition from theory to practice and an understanding of the medical community. Hungary also offers a cost of living that is well below the average in Europe, while providing the same if not better services.

As a member in good standing of the European Union, everything related to healthcare is regulated by the strict standards that all other EU countries abide by. This enables a familiarity in methods and procedures between both doctors and patients. Unlike Turkey, Hungary is part of the larger EU community and its shared values and laws.

Hungary is affordable and accessible for your transplant needs

With access from all major cities on National and Discount carriers, Hungary is easily accessible with many daily flights to the capital Budapest. With accommodations included in the price of the surgery, you will soon realize that Hungary is where you want and need to have your transplant. All it takes is an email or call to our clinic to set up a free consult either in person or online.

Take a step in the right direction and start your journey to a full head of hair and the confidence which you once had.