Hair Transplant Turkey: Cost, procedure, results & risks 2023


  • Medical Advancements
  • FUT Method Complications
  • FUE Procedure
  • Unintended Consequences
  • Profits over Quality and Safety
  • Lax Rules and Regulations
  • Transplant Options in Hungary

With advancements in Hair Transplant surgery, it would seem counterintuitive for there to be more cases of unsuccessful and poor outcomes for the transplants. When new medical technology and procedures increase the assumption is that there are more successful than before. Unfortunately, this is not the case and the reasons can be shocking and, in some instances considered malpractice.

How Advancements in Medicine can sometimes be a Step Backwards

Hair transplant quality and price - Turkey, HungaryThere’s an interesting story from the 19th century which is analogous to the issues occurring in the hair transplant industry today. In the mid-1800s surgery at any hospital came with serious risks, but with the discovery of anesthesia doctors were able to perform more surgeries because of the ability to sedate patients.

Sedation provides an environment where the doctor avoids the need to rush to circumvent the pain of invasive surgery such as an amputation. Because of this the number of surgeries increased exponentially with more patients going under the knife. One of the unintended consequences was that because of so many surgeries and the still undiscovered theory of bacteria and infections, more patients were dying from surgery than before.

The advancement of anesthesia did nothing to address the reality of infections and created an environment where unskilled doctors were able to perform procedures which they should have avoided. In some ways this situation seems to be occurring in the case of FUE Transplants which is the most advanced and successful of all hair transplant procedures.

Complications of the FUT Strip Method Transplant

When introduced the FUT Strip Method was a huge step in the attempt to restore hair loss from male pattern baldness. After removing at strip of skin with a scalpel from the back of the head containing the donor hairs, the follicles would then be transplanted into the balding area. Although this was cutting age at the time and a big step for balding men, the surgery was difficult and needed the skill of an experienced surgeon.

One of the major obstacles of the procedure was the removal of the strip in the donor area and the proper suturing of the incision. Because of the depth of the incision and the location, properly suturing for maximum effect was very difficult and took the experience of a skilled surgeon. Although the FUT provided good results regarding the implants, in many cases the size, location and shape of the scar on the back of the head was unsightly at best.

FUE Procedure and the Next Step in Hair Transplants

With the introduction of the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) procedure, this method provided both patients and doctors a revolutionary way to extract the donor hairs for a more natural head of hair. Without the need to remove a large strip from the back of the head, no longer was there a need to have a skilled surgeon suture the donor area.

The FUE was revolutionary because of the ability to remove individual follicles directly from the donor area with a hand held medical device. Groups of 1-4 follicles were removed and subsequently place in a proper patter on the balding area to resemble a natural head of hair. This may sound like the panacea to male pattern baldness, but as with everything where there is money involved, sacrifices were made, and patients were the ones who suffered.

Unintended Consequences of the FUE Procedures

Just like with the anesthesia and the false hope that it gave for surgery in the 1800s, the FUE procedure proved to be a step forward, although with many clinics try to increase profits at the expense of the patient in cutting corners.

The simplified FUE procedure provided a platform where clinics far and wide saw an opportunity to remove some responsibility from the surgeon and to give it to nurses and clinicians. The thinking being that because there is not longer a need for a skilled surgeon in the removal of the strip, a less qualified surgeon could do the procedure because of its perceived simplicity.

In surgery, every step of the process is critical and although more simplified than the FUT, the FUE still required someone who is qualified and has significant experience in performing this procedure. The surgery is still considered specialized, but there are many surgeons and others performing the procedure without the knowledge necessary.

Replacing the Skilled Surgeons to Increase Profits

Why pay a surgeon who specializes in the FUE procedure when you can pay a less qualified surgeon to do the same job or even pay a nurse or clinician? If your goal is to make as much money in a short period of time without any serious repercussions, then you should follow this path. The ones who will suffer are the patients who in many cases will be left with a less than satisfactory transplant and in some cases long-term healthy effects.

From the initial consult to the follow-up 12 months after the surgery, every step is very important and should always involve a specialized hair transplant surgeon. Critical mistakes are made during the process such as implanting the donor hair improperly in the scalp as well as the placement to provide a natural looking hairline. If not performed by a qualified surgeon, the transplanted hairs could not regrow and/or the pattern of the implanted hair will look unnatural while growing in the wrong direction.

How Lax Rules and Regulations Influence Outcomes

It doesn’t matter the rules and regulations in place to prevent unqualified individuals from performing the surgery, if the laws are not enforced, then everything else is irrelevant. From false advertising in which a surgeon is only used in the marketing and consult of the clinic/patients, to the nefarious payoffs of officials to look the other way, all of this is a recipe for disaster.

In the US, Europe and the UK, the industry is strictly enforced and much of what has been discussed is not the norm. Of course, this is not to say that it hasn’t or will not happen, but the chances are much less if you do your research and have the procedure performed in these regions.

In many instances its where the price for an FUE transplant is somewhat unbelievable and too good to be true. Places such as Turkey and Asia are some of the regions where this cost-cutting occurs and where the patient’s well-being is less important than the profits of the clinic.

What are my Options for an Affordable and Quality Transplant?

With the FUE procedure being on the cutting edge of hair restoration, the best option is to travel to Hungary for an affordable transplant abroad with surgeons who specialize in this specific procedure and where the rules and regulations are enforced. With over 20 years of medical tourism history and one of the best places in the world for a Hair Transplant, Hungary is accessible from all European capitals and most major cities. The many discount carriers in Europe provide an inexpensive alternative to the expensive national carriers.

As with all EU countries, Hungary’s medical industry is regulated through the strictest standards, covering the hospitals, clinics, doctors, nurses and all procedures. You will not fine higher standards anywhere in the world.

The best way to get started is to contact our clinic for a free consult and to take advantage of the availability of the FUE procedure in a safe and affordable environment.

Hair Transplantation in Budapest, Hungary: The Ultimate Guide

Are you suffering from hair loss or baldness? Do you want to restore your hairline and regain your confidence? Hungary is one of the most popular destinations for hair transplantation, offering affordable and high-quality procedures. In this ultimate guide, we will provide you with comprehensive information on hair transplantation in Hungary, including the benefits, the process, the costs, and more.

The Benefits of Hair Transplantation in Hungary

Hair transplantation is a safe and effective solution for hair loss, and Hungary has become a top destination for this procedure. Here are some of the benefits of getting a hair transplant in Hungary:

High-Quality Procedures: Hungary has a well-established healthcare system with highly trained and experienced surgeons who specialize in hair transplantation. They use the latest technologies and techniques to ensure the best possible results for their patients.
Affordable Costs: Hair transplantation in Hungary is significantly cheaper than in many other countries, including the UK, the US, and Western Europe. You can save up to 70% on the cost of the procedure without sacrificing quality.
Minimal Waiting Times: In Hungary, you can typically schedule your hair transplant procedure within a few weeks, unlike other countries where you may have to wait for months.

The Hair Transplantation Process in Budapest

The hair transplantation process in Hungary involves the following steps:

Consultation: The first step is to schedule a consultation with a hair transplant specialist. During this appointment, the surgeon will examine your scalp and determine the best approach for your specific needs.

Preparation: On the day of the procedure, the surgeon will numb the donor area (usually the back of the head) and extract healthy hair follicles using a specialized tool. They will then prepare the recipient area (the balding or thinning area) for transplantation.

Transplantation: The surgeon will then carefully transplant the extracted hair follicles into the recipient area. This process can take several hours depending on the number of grafts needed.

Recovery: After the procedure, you will need to rest and avoid strenuous activities for a few days. The surgeon will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to ensure the best possible healing and results.

The Cost of Hair Transplantation in Hungary as compared to Turkey

The cost of hair transplantation in Hungary varies depending on several factors, including the number of grafts needed and the clinic you choose. On average, the cost ranges from €1,500 to €5,000, which is significantly cheaper than in many other countries.

The Risks and Side Effects of Hair Transplantation

Like any medical procedure, hair transplantation carries some risks and potential side effects. These can include bleeding, infection, scarring, and swelling. However, with proper preparation, a skilled surgeon, and good aftercare, the risks can be minimized.

Conclusion: high quality hair loss treatment, Budapest, Hungary is worth a visit!

Hair transplantation in Hungary is a safe, affordable, and effective solution for hair loss. With highly trained and experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and minimal waiting times, Hungary has become a top destination for this procedure. We hope this ultimate guide has provided you with valuable information on the benefits, process, costs, and risks of hair transplantation in Hungary. If you are considering this procedure, we highly recommend choosing a reputable clinic with a skilled surgeon to ensure the best possible results.

FAQ on Turkey hair transplant

Is it safe to get a hair transplant in Turkey?

Yes, it is safe to get a hair transplant in Turkey. The country has become a top destination for people looking for a quality hair transplant at an affordable price. The medical procedures in the country are highly regarded as some of the best, and there are around 500 clinics and hospitals that perform hair transplantation, ensuring that patients have plenty of options to choose from.

What is the success rate of hair transplant in Turkey?

In Turkey, the success rate of hair transplants is largely dependent on the expertise of the medical staff. When performed by a team with considerable experience, the success rate is at 98%. This means that only 2 out of 100 hair transplantations may fail.

Which is the best country for a hair transplant?

Turkey, Poland, Hungary, Thailand, Germany, Mexico, and India are considered some of the best countries for a hair transplant. Turkey attracts patients from around the world due to the high quality of its medical procedures and the low cost compared to other countries.

Why are hair transplants cheap in Turkey?

Hair transplants are relatively lower priced in Turkey compared to other countries. This is due to the lower costs of living in Turkey compared to developed countries, which allows hair transplant clinics to offer cheaper procedures with equal or even better quality.

How much is a Turkish hair transplant?

The cost of hair transplantation in Turkey typically ranges from $1500 to $3000, depending on the number of hair follicles being transplanted. This number can range from 1000 to 6500 hair follicles, and there are many centers in Turkey that can perform the procedure in several sessions.

References – Further readings on Hair Transplant Turkey